Speaking & Training Services

Have a LEAD representative visit your home, school, organization, or community. 

Knowledge is meant to be shared and acted upon. Facts, graphs, bar charts, and slides aren't enough. Information must be coupled with context and made actionable.

At LEAD, our trainings provide a comprehensive overview of the substance abuse landscape, from those large problems trending in the public consciousness to those smaller, more persistent issues that often go ignored or unnoticed.

Have a look at our programs below to find a training that suits your needs. Or contact us to have a training specifically crafted for you and your community.

Presentations & Training Library

Looking for something else? Our Team would be happy to speak with you and yours about crafting a speaking event specifically for you and yours. Contact us below to speak with a LEAD representative.

"LEAD staff exude confidence and expertise
during presentations and provide common
sense solutions to seemingly complex challenges...
Their suggestions resonate with their audience,
resulting in light bulb moments."

Barbara de Nekker
The Anti-Drug Coalition

Book Now!

Let us know the Speaking Topic(s) you’d be interested in booking by using the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have a series of dates in mind, feel free to let us know the details via the Additional Details field below.

Get In Touch

Our programs and events are designed to help communities build healthy relationships and find alternatives to using drugs and alcohol.  Let us help you. Just contact us to get started.  It’s time for all of us to be part of the solution!

Local: (847) 585-8747
Fax: (800) 310-1523
Email: info@golead.co

Or Come Visit Us

We’re located in beautiful Lake Forest, Illinois. Arrange a meeting via the Contact page.