Overdose Education & Naloxone Distribution (OEND)
Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is an easy-to-use, lifesaving antidote to reverse opiate overdose due to prescription narcotics (morphine, codeine, oxycodone, Vicodin) or heroin.
Naloxone is a safe medicine that blocks the effects of opiate overdose to revive a person to a sober state. Naloxone has no abuse potential and has no effects on someone who has not taken opioids. It is safe for the common person to possess and administer after going through a brief training.
LEAD offers 2 different types of Naloxone trainings:
- Individual Training (approximately 1 hour). This training is intended for individuals who would like to be trained as an overdose responder. At this training, participants will learn signs and symptoms of an overdose, how to use Naloxone, and will complete the paperwork necessary to have a Naloxone kit sent to you.
- Train the Trainer Training (approximately 3 hours). This training is intended for individuals who would like to not only be trained as overdose responders, but who would like to be able to train others (i.e. a school nurse may want to be able to train other faculty and staff in the school). This training takes approximately 3 hours to complete, and there is additional paperwork that is necessary, including steps to have a Naloxone kit sent to you.
Anyone can be trained to save a life with naloxone! Opioids can circulate throughout the community undetected until it’s too late. Drug overdose is the leading cause of injury death in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle and firearm deaths (DEA 2015). Many of these deaths are a result of accidental overdose by prescription pills so it is important to be educated in risk reduction, and how to prevent death from opiate overdoses. The potential for overdose is very real and all around you; prescription pills and heroin are easily accessible in Illinois so it is important to be equipped if a situation arises no matter where you are.
Are you ready to be trained to save a life? Use the request form below, and one of our staff members will get right back to you.