Mission. Vision. Values.
Finds out what drives us at LEAD.
Healthy Communities.
We envision a healthy community where youth choose not to use alcohol and other drugs.
Promotion of Emotional Wellness.
Through parent education, dynamic youth programs, and engagement with key community stakeholders, LEAD is dedicated to the promotion of healthy family relationships, emotional wellness, and the prevention of alcohol, drug use, and other risky behavior by youth.
Commitment to Solutions.
The LEAD staff, board, and volunteers are committed to being accountable for and conscious of the following values:
• The best decision will be the one that provides the best end-result for the highest number of our partners, the clients they serve, the issues they address, and the future of our community.
• The core reason LEAD exists is to significantly reduce drinking, drug use, and other risky behavior by youth while working simultaneously to eliminate the root causes of these issues in the future. Today’s decisions will therefore be made in the context of both today and tomorrow, asking the question, “How will this decision affect the future of our organization and the future of our community?”
• All parties to any decision will be treated with respect, dignity, compassion, grace, integrity, honesty and humanity.
• LEAD’s message and attitude is that we can and will influence change.
• We can accomplish significant change if the whole community works together, focusing all the community’s varied resources towards improving our community’s quality of life. The entire community must share ownership of problems and solutions.