Answers to those questions we’re most often asked. If you don’t find answers to your questions here, feel free to ask your own using the form below.
LEAD is an organization that links communities, schools, and prevention organizations with the tools they need to better serve local parents and teens in their efforts to confront substance misuse and provide mental health support for all. Learn more about us here.
We offer services throughout the United States. Take a look at our services map for details. If you don’t see your area listed, no worries: Drop us a line and we will get back with you ASAP. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt to the needs of folks across the country.
TextForHelp.app is a youth-focused mental health crisis text hotline. The only one of its kind that is available 24/7, that is fully anonymous, and that is staffed by licensed mental health counselors.
If you or someone you know is in need of help (be it a matter of suicidal thoughts, bullying, anxiety, substance abuse, or anything else that’s weighing heavily on the mind), feel free to contact your local TextForHelp.app number via SMS.
You can find a full list of of our current locations here. If you don’t see your community on the list, contact us directly and we’ll put you together with someone who can help.
Absolutely. We’d love to get to know you. Contact us directly and we’ll get back with you ASAP.
First and foremost, you should look for opportunities to volunteer and serve in existing prevention organizations in your school, school district, or local area. Often you’ll find there are many people with the same interest all around you.
Second, take a look at our Teen Resources section. Designed for the young Preventionist like you, you’ll find a variety of posts, resources, and tools to help you make a positive impact.
First, consider joining us at one of our numerous online and in-person Events , such as Weathering the Storm or one of our many Speaking Engagements. If you’re local to Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, Knollwood, or North Chicago, consider attending one of our coalition meetings.
Second, take a look at our Parent Resources section. Designed for parents in Illinois, you’ll find a plethora of posts, resources, and tools to help you make a positive impact.
Start here, in our Parent Resources section. You’ll find numerous articles and presentations addressing these questions and more.
If you find you’re in need of more help, feel free to contact us. We’ll get back with you ASAP.
We’re certain something can be arranged, either online or in person (depending on your location.)
Feel free to contact us. We’ll figure something out.
We never turn anyone away because of lack of funding. From keynote presentations to technical assistance, we will bring our resources to your aid.
While we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to address all of your needs free of charge, we’ll do our best to work with you to figure out a solution that matches your budgetary constraints.
Contact us with your request and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
We speak to parents, students, school faculty, and general community members about mental health, substance use prevention, and more.
See and inquire about the wide variety of our Speaking & Training services here.